E.P.I.C (Endless Possibilities in Christ) Middle School Youth Group

Middle school can be a difficult place to navigate for many youth today. E.P.I.C, the middle school youth group at Saint Thomas, takes into account these unique challenges and gives students a safe environment to grow in relationship with God and others and develop a strong sense of personal identity in Christ.

E.P.I.C nights are based around a central theme or topic, from the lives of Saints to Church teachings on subjects such as the Eucharist. Each night includes dinner, games, and an opportunity to pray and learn more about one’s faith in community with others.

All middle school students (6th – 8th grades) from any school or parish are invited to attend E.P.I.C. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month in the Church Lower Level following the 5 pm Mass until 7:30 pm. Students are encouraged to bring friends!