Not surprisingly, music ministry entails both music and ministry… and what a blessing they are to all. If you are interested in participating in our music ministry, please contact Eileen Bockheim, Director of Music and Worship (616) 459-4662, ext. 1207 or eileenbockheim@stthomasgr.org.
As we enter the “spirituality” of the music, we rise above the music itself and place it in its proper context within the worship experience. Although we constantly strive for musical excellence, it is the prayerfulness of our music that is the focal point of our efforts; and it is this prayerfulness that allows us to minister to one another as well as to our parish. Thus, it is ministry that drives everything we do, musically and otherwise.
Ministry in music is absolutely vital. It is this firm conviction that drives our efforts night after night at rehearsal. We strive to support our parishioners’ worship needs through music and ministry.
Just Sing! All through the Scriptures human kind is called upon to sing to the Lord. “Take up a melody” (Ps. 81:3) for to “God we owe a hymn of praise” (Ps. 65:2).
Not once in the Bible does it mention the “quality” of the voice or song, but only to use the voice God gave you. If you can speak, you can sing. A song can lift your spirits, express your feelings and bring people together. So you are invited to “Just Sing!”
There is something for just about everyone. We have a wide variety of ensembles for a wide variety of interests and ages. Whether it is singing, playing an instrument or being part of planning, there is a place for everyone to share their musical gifts. Often with this sharing of gifts, the music minister receives blessings so much more than the time and energy put forth.
- Kindergarten – 2nd Grade: Rehearsals every Tuesday, 6 – 6:55 pm, September to May
Sings 5 times per year, Sunday 9 am Mass and Christmas Eve Children’s Mass
- 3rd – 5th Grade: Rehearsals every Tuesday, 6 – 6:55 pm, September to May
Sings once per month at various Masses
- 5th – 8th Grade: Rehearsals every other Tuesday, 6 – 6:55 pm, September to May
Sings every other Sunday at 9 am Mass
- 9 am Mass Choir: Rehearsals every other Tuesday, 7 – 8 pm
Late August to early June
Sings every other Sunday at 9 am Mass
- 11 am Mass Choir: Rehearsals every Thursday, 7 – 8:30 pm, September to May
Sings every Sunday at 11 am Mass
- Seasonal Choir: Seasonal for Thanksgiving/Christmas/Holy Week
Rehearsals 6 to 8 weeks prior to special Mass(es)
Rehearsals on Thursday, 7 – 8:30 pm
- Handbells (Seasonally): Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter
Rehearsals every Thursday, 5:40 – 6:55 pm
Must have some ability to read music and rhythm
- Cantor: Preparation ahead of scheduled Mass
Attend periodic training seminars
Schedules for summer or school year
- Instrumentalist: Variety of instruments
Accompanying, supplemental and solo possibilities
- Music Selection Committee: Preparation of readings for the liturgies and music selections appropriate to the readings
5 to 6 meetings per year