Pam Strobel
Parish Life Coordinator
+1-616-459-4662 ext.1203 Email MePam Strobel joined the Saint Thomas staff as the Parish Life Coordinator in August 2020 after being a member of the Parish since 1988. She and her husband, Steve, have raised their seven children at Saint Thomas and have been actively involved in various ministries through the years: cantor, lector, choir member, Liturgy Commission, Homebound Ministry, and Challenge Girls’ Club. Pam and Steve have faithfully directed Vacation Bible School since 2001, engaging thousands of students and volunteers over the years in this wonderful ministry to the parish.
After receiving an undergraduate degree from the University of Notre Dame and a Master’s Degree from Michigan State University, Pam was employed at Aquinas College as the Director of Residence Life, before being called to homeschool her children.
Pam feels extremely blessed to serve the Saint Thomas community and to join the parish staff, utilizing her skills and past experiences in promoting and strengthening parish life.