Lori Fedewa
Christian Service Coordinator
+1-616-459-4662 ext.1220 Email MeLori is humbled and grateful to be working for the Church. Her StengthsFinder themes include Arranger, Belief, Connector, Developer and Empathy; so being called to the Christian Service Coordinator position at Saint Thomas has been a huge blessing for her, her family and hopefully, the Parish community too! She appreciates how her work in ministry helps the Parish connect with others outside the Church walls. It is a joy to see the fruits of the Holy Spirit abound as the community grows in faith and friendship and works together to build God’s kingdom of peace and justice.
Lori and her family have been part of the Saint Thomas the Apostle community since 1998. They live in Eastown and love walking to Church! The Wadaga’s are grateful for their Saint Thomas community; their faithful friends and the many opportunities to learn, grow and serve in faith and love.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!