Liturgical Volunteer Opportunities! If you are interested in any of the opportunities below, please call Lori Vernon, the Parish Liturgist, at (616) 459-4662 or email Lori Vernon at
The word Lector comes the Latin translation meaning “reader of lessons” at a worship service. What a nice way of being thought of…a reader of lessons!
The Lector proclaims the Word of God at each Mass as part of the Liturgy of the Word. The Ministry of Lector requires an interest in good liturgy, a love of Scripture and an understanding that Scripture is the living Word of God, an appreciation of language and a desire to proclaim the Word of God with life, energy, enthusiasm and intelligence.
Gift of time: Lectors are scheduled on a rotating schedule based on their individually preferred Mass times.
Preparation: Prior to each Mass, Lectors are asked to study, reflect on, and pray with the Scriptures they are to proclaim.
Requirements and Training: The only skills required are to be able to read well, have a good speaking voice, to have a special love for God’s Word, and to be a person of faith and prayer.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are entrusted with distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during the Communion Rite at Mass.
They are called “extraordinary” because priests and deacons are considered the “ordinary” ministers of Holy Communion. However, the assistance of lay ministers is needed at Mass so that the Communion Rite is not unduly long.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, be 16 years of age, and a registered member of Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish. They promise to administer the Holy Eucharist with the utmost care and reverence and to be a living witness to the Catholic Faith and in good standing with the Church.
Gift of time: Ministers serve during the weekend Mass time at which they normally worship. Frequency of scheduling is based on personal choice.
Training: Initial training is a two hour session. These take place several times a year and include theology, ministry details and skills practice. Individual formation sessions occur as needed.
“Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some … have entertained angels.” (Hebrews 13:2)
Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality “exercise a true ministry of hospitality that helps to build community.” An usher performs a service of hospitality and welcome at all worship gatherings. They welcome all who come to Mass making them feel comfortable and attending to any needs that they may have. Ushers are responsible for taking up the offertory collection, directing the flow of people as they receive Holy Communion, distributing bulletins, tidying up the Church for the next Mass and generally providing assistance as the need arises.
Gift of Time: Ushers serve on a team. Each team of ushers serves one specific Mass time for an entire month once every three months.
The role of Altar Server is integral to the Celebration of Holy Mass. Altar serving offers young people of Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish the opportunity to grow in their faith and actively participate in assisting the priest with the celebration of the Mass during the weekend and special Holy Day liturgies. This ministry is open to youths from fifth grade through high school.
Gift of time: Altar servers are normally scheduled for two to three weekend Masses per quarter.
Training: Training is offered each year during late winter and early spring for Saint Thomas the Apostle school children, Monday night Religious Education children and interested boys and girls who are homeschooled.
“How lovely is your dwelling, O Lord of hosts.” ~Psalm 84:4
The Art and Environment Committee is charged with work that lends beauty to the house of God. Their role is to enhance the journey of all who gather throughout the Liturgical Seasons in the worship environment. Those who have any creative or artistic skills to share (i.e. flower arranging, light sewing, etc.) are encouraged to share their talents. Volunteers are needed to help generate new ideas, plan, and create environment.
Gift of Time: This ministry offers flexible opportunities for volunteering and can work within any person’s schedule.
Liturgy of the Word with Children—Leaders, Musicians, and Assistants
This ministry is offered during the 9 am and 11 am Sunday morning Masses for children in grades first through fourth during the school year. The leader reads the Scriptures for the day, helps the children discover the meaning of God’s word in their lives, and leads them in prayers. Leaders lead the Liturgy of the Word. Musicians lead the singing of Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Acclamation. Assistants help provide order among the children.
Gift of Time: These ministers are scheduled on a rotational calendar and usually serve once a month or once every two months.
Our homebound ministers visit and bring Holy Communion to elderly and infirmed parishioners confined to their homes or residents of local assisted living homes on Sunday mornings after the 9 am Mass. In addition to providing the Body of Christ to someone who would not otherwise be able to receive, this ministry provides loving contact with the Saint Thomas community. These ministers (who are either Eucharistic Ministers or willing to receive this training) drive to parishioner homes or assisted living homes of 1-2 people, which the ministry leader assigns to them. This particular ministry has the additional benefit of being a ministry that can be participated in by single people, couples, or as a family ministry.
Gift of time: Ministers conduct their visits between 10 am and 12 noon on Sunday. They are scheduled normally for one Sunday a month or based on personal choice.