Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) 2024

Race to the Finish
April – May 2025
Our 2024 Parish goal of $193,302 has been met. But we still need your help to increase our participation numbers!

Catholic Services Appeal Update
First the good news: we have obtained pledges which meet our financial obligation to the diocese for this year. Thanks to all who have assisted in meeting this goal. The less good news is that only 30% of our parishioners have pledged toward this effort. If you are one of the remaining 70%, please send in your pledge now. All excess funds are returned to our Parish and will be used for maintenance and update of our facilities.

Prior to the COVID pandemic, about 50% of our registered Parish families helped us to meet our CSA goal each year. Last year, less than 33% of families responded. Our goal this year is to return to pre-COVID participation rates. Parishioners are asked to prayerfully consider donating 1% of household income to CSA. However, the dollar amount of your pledge is not as important as your faithful engagement in our Catholic community. If we all do our share, we can easily meet our goal! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carla Grant at