By Father James Chelich 1999
“Wicked designs come from the deep recesses of the heart: acts of fornication, theft, murder, adulterous conduct, greed, maliciousness, deceit, envy, sensuality, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, an obtuse spirit. All these evils come from within…” Mark 7:21-23 Jesus teaches us that the origins of violence lie within us. The solution to … “Those who use the sword are sooner or later destroyed by it.” Matthew 56:52 Christians abhor violence in any form. Violence is seen as toxic to the human body, soul and spirit as well as to the human community. It is as toxic to those who are victims of it as well as to those who employ it. In approaching either the victims or the perpetrators of violence, or a situation of violence, Christians remain mindful of the two root issues at the core of violence: TRAUMA, the ways individuals have been hurt in the past and how that motivates violent reactions that attempt to compensate for these wounds. SIN, the hold of a radical self-centerdness upon our attitudes, words and actions. This is a wanting of what we want, when we want, the way we want, and the willingness manipulate what is good in evils ways to obtain it. A Christian remains mindful that these two root realities are at work in themselves as well as in the situation and persons they confront. A Christian will attempt to restrain violence inflicted upon the innocent in as non-violent manner as possible. They will, however, resolutely and confidently come to the aid of the victim. Should this require an act of force, a Christian will never take pride in or glorify the force used. A Christian will always grieve the necessity of using force, repent of having to set their hand to it, and seek spiritual cleansing and healing of God. Non-violent resistance to evil and unjust situations is clearly the highest and most perfect following of Jesus, a Christian’s Lord.