CHRISTIAN SERVICE Father James Chelich – 1998 Christian Service is the “anointed mission” of Jesus, the Messiah (Savior). The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; therefore He has anointed me. He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind and release to prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord. Luke 4:18-19 This “anointed mission” to the poor, the captives, the blind and to prisoners, Jesus shares with us. It comes upon us in Baptism, it is sealed in Confirmation and it is celebrated when we receive Holy Communion which makes us the Body of Christ. This is the Jesus God has raised up, and we are his witnesses. Exalted at God’s right hand, he first received the promised Holy Spirit from the Father, then poured this Spirit out on us. Acts 2:32-33 God is the one who firmly establishes us along with you in Christ; it is He who anointed us and has sealed us, thereby depositing the first payment, the Spirit, in our hearts. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 The anointing you have received from Him remains in your hearts. 1 John 2:27 The “anointed mission” of Jesus to the poor, the captives, the blind and to prisoners is expressed by his Body, the Church, in Works of Mercy. I. THE CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY Come, you have my Father’s blessing! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world… To Feed the Hungry For I was hungry and you gave me food… To Give Drink to the Thirsty I was thirsty and you gave me drink… To Shelter the Homeless I was a stranger and you welcomed me… To Clothe the Naked I was naked and you clothed me… To Visit the Sick I was ill and you comforted me… To Visit the the Imprisoned I was in prison and you came to visit me… To Bury the Dead I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least sisters or brothers, you did it for me. Matthew 25:34-40 II. THE SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY To Pray for the Living and the Dead At every opportunity pray in the Spirit, using prayers and petitions of every sort. Pray constantly and attentively for all in the holy company. Ephesians 6:18 To Comfort the Afflicted A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho who fell prey to robbers… A Samaritan came on him and was moved to pity. He approached him and cared for him… Luke 10:30-37 To Forgive Offenses Lord, when my brother or sister wrongs me, how often must I forgive him? Seven times? No, Jesus replied, not seven times; I say, seventy times seven times. Matthew 18:21-35 To Bear Wrongs Patiently Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you and pray for those who maltreat you. When someone slaps you on one cheek, turn and give him the other. Luke 6:27-35 To Counsel the Sinner If your bother or sister should commit some wrong against you, go and point out his fault, but keep it between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won him over… Matthew 18:15-18 To Encourage the Doubtful We who are strong in faith should be patient with the scruples of those who are weak; we must not be selfish. Each should please his neighbor so as to do him good by building up his spirit. Romans 15:1-7 To Teach the Uninformed Do you really grasp what you are reading? How can I, the man replied, unless someone explains it to me? Philip launched out with this Scripture passage…telling him the good news of Jesus. Acts of the Apostles 8:26-39 WHAT IS CHRISTIAN SERVICE? It is the anointing of Jesus that we share. It is the Works of Mercy we perform for the poor, the captives, the blind and prisoners in Jesus’ name. It is the Ministries of our Parish Community that equip and encourage people for these Works of Mercy. WHAT DOES CHRISTIAN SERVICE LOOK LIKE IN THE MINISTRIES OF SAINT THOMAS PARISH? THE CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY: To Feed the Hungry Thanksgiving and Winter Community Dinners / Food Pantry / Holiday Baskets To Give Drink to the Thirsty Blood Drives To Shelter the Homeless Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance / Habitat for Humanity Projects / Refugee Resettlement (past) / National Relief Network Excursions To Clothe the Naked Clothing Collection / Blanket Sales / Advent Angel Ministry / To Visit the Sick Hospital Visitation Ministry / Nursing Home Visitation Ministry / Anointing of the Sick / Healing Team Ministry To Visit the the Imprisoned Homebound Visitation Ministry / To Bury the Dead Funeral Luncheon Ministry / Funeral Liturgy Ministry THE SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY: To Pray for the Living and the Dead Sunday and Weekday Liturgies / Healing Service Petitions / Petition Box / Prayer Line Ministry / Sunday Remembrance of the Dead / All Soul’s Celebration To Comfort the Afflicted Stephen Ministry / Project Rachel Ministry / Bereavement Group / Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound / Noon Hour of Prayer / Evenings Honoring Loss To Forgive Offenses Community Reconciliation Services To Bear Wrongs Patiently Prayer before the image of Jesus Crucified and the Blessed Sacrament / Stephens Ministry / Healing Service Ministry To Counsel the Sinner Sacrament of Reconciliation / Adult Education in Christian Morality / Chastity Education To Encourage the Doubtful Stephen Ministry / On Site Professional Counselling Availability / Mom’s Group / Men’s Group / Faith and Friendship Groups / Youth Ministry To Teach the Uninformed Adult Education Programs / Advent and Lent Book Studies / Bible Study / Women’s Reading Group / Parish School Ministry / Student Religious Education Program / Nursery School / Sunday School / Children’s Liturgy of the Word