- A Catholic and Homosexual
- A Living Relationship with the Word of God
- A New Approach to Praying the Rosary
- A Word That Reforms
- About The End Times
- Ash Wednesday A Proud Day for Brave People
- Catholic Social Teaching
- Christian Service
- Christian Understanding of the Origin of Violence
- Commentary on the Tridentine Mass
- Confession of Sins and The Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Daily Prayer Time
- Diversity in Community
- EASTER Our Convicition, Our Witness & Our Resolve
- Elements of a Successful Catholic School
- Entrustment to Saint Mary
- Faith – With or Without
- Forming Children of the Light
- God Is LOVE!
- He Goes Ahead of You
- Holiness
- HOLY LENT: Re-Arranging the Priority of Our Affections
- How Do YOU Make the Sign of the Cross?
- How to Wear Holiness
- Intimacy
- Justice
- LENT: Its Biblical Inspiration and Personal Meaning
- Life After Death
- Non-Catholics and Reception of Eucharist in the Catholic Church
- Participating in Mass with Your Heart
- Pentecost Novena to the Holy Spirit
- Prayer after the Evening News
- Receiving Holy Communion
- Repentance
- Reverence for the Presence of Jesus
- Sacramentum?
- Simple Lessons On Sex, The Catholic Faith, Gay, Straight and Marriage
- Six Tasks For A Lifetime
- Social Justice Fundamental Questions
- Suffering & The Cross
- The Commandments
- The Life of Grace
- The Meaning of Pentecost in the Life of a Christian
- The Meaning of Tradition in the Catholic Church
- The Mystery of Faith
- The Orientation God Gave to Sex
- The Single Man or Woman in the World
- The World and the Kingdom
- This is My Body
- Thoughts on Parenting
Archives of Father James Chelich Teachings