Blood Drive Invitation

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Register Today for Our Blood Drive

Sunday, March 10  •  9 am – 1:30 pm  Ministry Center
Register here to give blood or sign up on our Parish website.
Give Alms during Lent and help save lives!

“I hope my story inspires others to give this special gift.”  Jackie Kold

Jackie Kold was on her morning bike ride on Mother’s Day of 2014 when she first noticed unusual bruising on her legs. Later, as she was driving her car, she lost control of her vehicle and hit the curb, deploying her airbag.

While at the hospital, a blood test revealed that she had a severely low platelet count. Doctors told her that had the airbag not deployed in her car, Jackie likely would have bled to death. Further testing confirmed that Jackie had Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, a condition that creates antibodies that fight the body’s own platelets.

Jackie underwent several blood transfusions until her platelet count went back up to normal. Now, Jackie continues to stay active as a personal trainer and fitness studio owner.

“No matter how healthy you are, you never know when you or someone you love will need blood,” said Jackie. “I hope my story inspires others to give this special gift.”

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Christmas Eve Masses are at 5 pm and 11 pm. Christmas Day Mass is at 9 am.