October 12/13 Announcements and Homily Link

100 Years of ABCs

A     Altar Society – Beginning in 1939, one Sunday a month was designated as Altar Society Sunday. Women from the Parish would attend early Mass and then recite special indulgent prayers before the crucifix. Altar Society members would also recite the rosary for deceased members of the Parish and would perform immaculate altar work which consisted of cleaning the altar and sanctuary weekly, laundering and mending altar cloths, linens and albs. Upon the cessation of the Altar Society, most of their work was taken up by the Parish Liturgy Commission. 
         Annettes – The Annettes were a group of women who volunteered to serve the needs of others in the Parish. The name Annettes means “little Annes.” The members prepared meals for families experiencing illness or other emergencies, helped to provide transportation to Mass, visited the homebound, sent get well and sympathy cards, and assisted with financial and other aid. In 1978, the work of the Annettes was absorbed into the Christian Service Commission.


Meet Helen Milanowski – Chair of the Respect Life Ministry
Hello, I am the chair of the Respect Life Ministry here at Saint Thomas. Our ministry was established about 13 years ago to defend life from womb to tomb. Someone asked me recently why I am pro-life and the answer is simply that I believe abortion to be the greatest social injustice and evil of my lifetime.
The only difference between anyone of us and the unborn child—is time. Time to grow and develop into the man or woman God created them to be. The Michigan Department of Health recently released the statistics for abortion in our state in 2023 and they are disheartening—over 31,000 abortions took place last year. So the job we do in our Respect Life ministry is more important than ever.
Our purpose is threefold: First, to nurture a pro-life culture in our Parish; second, to support and encourage women in crisis pregnancies; and third, to be a voice for the voiceless and most helpless members of our human race: the unborn.
Our ministry meets a couple of times a year to discuss our calendar and brainstorm. We regularly post pro-life opportunities in the bulletin for your participation. We coordinate a 40 Days For Life Fall and Spring Campaign, collect baby items in the HELP Pregnancy Aid bin at the back of Church and hold a diaper drive once a year. These items go directly to needy moms at no cost to them. Friends, we need your involvement.
If this issue touches your heart, we ask you to pray with us at Planned Parenthood on our vigil day coming up on Friday, October 18 for moms and babies in crisis. Contact me at
(616) 774-8471 to sign up for a time to pray. And we invite you to join our ministry and give us your best ideas to encourage a culture of life in our Parish community and beyond.
Thank you for your service and witness of faith, Helen and Jim!
See the new Centennial Edition of our Faith in Action Ministry Guide when it is available for more ways to serve and engage in our Parish.


October 1 – 24

Seminarian Gift Boxes
During the month of October, the Holy Redeemer Knights of Columbus will be collecting items send to our Grand Rapids Diocese 24 seminarians in November. Suggested donations: tissue boxes, black socks, aspirin, writing materials, band aids, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, floss, granola bars, candy, cookies, microwave popcorn, dried fruits, nuts, hot cocoa, chips, crackers, etc.
The seminarians greatly appreciate these gift boxes each year. Please bring donations to the Parish Office. Thank you for your support!


Beginning November 3


November 11

Spirit of Taize
Mondays, November 11, December 9 and January 20 at 7 pm at St. Mary Church, 423 1st St NW, Grand Rapids. If you are familiar with prayer in the spirit of Taizé, you know that its contemplative, musical nature opens a channel for a powerful experience of the divine. You remember how joy, surrender and hope can be nourished by the mantra-like singing and the moments of silence. And you understand how the use of candlelight and beautiful icons or simple symbols can be keys for a prayerful person to explore their deepest longings for God. If you are not familiar with this type of prayer, perhaps this description has sparked your interest. Visit prayerofpeacegr.org.


Saturday, November 16


December 31