October 26/27 Announcements and Homily Link

100 Years of ABCs
C  Cloister WalkThe covered walkway in between the church and the school is called the Cloister Walk. This special walkway was built along with our present church in 1954 to “connect” the church to the school. Up until this time, the school children and been close to the Blessed Sacrament on a daily basis since they were in the same building. Even though the children wouldn’t be in the same building as Jesus once the new church was built, the Cloister Walk would serve as a connection making it easy for the children to “drop in for a visit”. The walkway was originally designed with the open columns going all the way to the sidewalk but after several Michigan winters it was decided to fill in the lower half of the walkway with brick to keep the snow and wind from blowing through and to reinforce the columns.

Church – Our present church was built in 1954. Saint Thomas owned land on Fulton west of Holland Home and at first that lot was considered for the construction. However, it was landlocked on the busy road and did not allow the space we wanted to eventually expand with a new rectory, gym and a large parking lot. The present property on Wilcox Park was owned by Holland Home and the two properties were swapped in a land trade. In designing the church, which was on property that was wider than it was deep, Monsignor Sweeney and several architects visited many churches throughout the state and neighboring states as well. Our church is said to be modeled after the style of Queen of the Miraculous Medal in Jackson, MI. The first Mass in the new church was celebrated on December 21, 2004. Our church has undergone two extensive remodels. The most significant changes during the first, in 1981, was the moving of the main altar, the removal of the side altars, the redesign of the sanctuary, the installation of the stained glass windows and the removal of the communion rail. The second remodel in 2004 consisted of renovations to the choir loft, worship area, baptismal font, access to the Eucharistic chapel, organ refurbishment, pew and kneeler repair, carpeting, airconditioning and ventilation in the lower level and a remodeled lower level kitchen.


Knights of Columbus
Join the Knights of Columbus for a delicious breakfast after all Masses this weekend. All are welcome! Freewill offerings will be accepted.



Recently, the newspaper “Michigan Catholic Tribune.” was mailed to random households within the diocese, both Catholic and non-Catholic.

The Tribune falsely presents itself as a Catholic publication and includes politically-related content meant to assist Catholic voters in casting their ballots.
The publication is not in alignment with Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.

This publication and its accompanying website are not endorsed by nor are they affiliated with the Diocese of Grand Rapids or the Catholic Church.


October 26


November 2 from 9 am to noon

Aquinas College Open House

Aquinas College welcomes all high school students and their families to our Open House on Saturday, November 2! Explore academic programs, connect with our faculty, staff & students, and tour our scenic campus. The event includes admissions and financial aid sessions, as well as a first-generation presentation. Details and registration information can be found at aquinas.edu/openhouse.


November 3

St. Mary’s Visitation Parish
146th Ave. at 24th St.  New Salem  (Byron Center)
Sunday, November 3
Serving 11 am – 2 pm
Bingo starting at 10:30 am
Under 3 is Free

Beginning November 3


November 11

Spirit of Taize
Mondays, November 11, December 9 and January 20 at 7:00 pm at St. Mary Church, 423 1st St NW, Grand Rapids. If you are familiar with prayer in the spirit of Taizé, you know that its contemplative, musical nature opens a channel for a powerful experience of the divine. You remember how joy, surrender and hope can be nourished by the mantra-like singing and the moments of silence. And you understand how the use of candlelight and beautiful icons or simple symbols can be keys for a prayerful person to explore their deepest longings for God. If you are not familiar with this type of prayer, perhaps this description has sparked your interest. Visit prayerofpeacegr.org.


Saturday, November 16