November 23/24 Announcements and Homily Link

100 Years of ABCs
G GymAs the school and parish grew during the late 1950’s there became a need for an all purpose gym as well as additional classrooms. Originally both the gym and additional classrooms were designed to be in one building connected to the west of the original school. When not enough property could be purchased the additional classrooms were added and the construction of the gym was moved to the far east side of the property which had been purchased from Aquinas college. The gym was completed in 1961.

Golden Jubilee – In October 1974, the Parish hosted a Golden Jubilee celebrating 50 years since the founding of the Parish. The wall at the back of the sanctuary was covered in gold vinyl and the confessionals draped in gold fabric. The celebration was held over four days, highlighted by three liturgical programs, each followed by a reception, drawing the Parish together both spiritually and socially. A Memorial Mass of Thanksgiving with a commemoration of the deceased of the Parish was celebrated by Monsignor Sweeney on the 45th anniversary of his priesthood. A special youth Mass was celebrated by Father Voss, Father Schneider and Father Battesby. A concelebrated Jubilee Mass with Bishop Bretienbeck was the highlighted event. This was followed by a dinner dance for the parishioners to enjoy each other’s company and celebrate together.

Golden Mass – A tradition of Saint Thomas during the Parish’s early years was an annual “Golden Mass” as a way to say thank you to the Little Sisters of the Poor for the use of their chapel for worship while our Parish was being formed. During this special Mass the school children brought food to the altar and the food was then delivered to the Little Sisters. When the Little Sisters home closed in 1970, Father Voss and the parishioners decided to continue the tradition of the Golden Mass with the food being distributed to the Sisters of Saint Andrew’s School for distribution to people in need living in the inner city.

Parish Family and Friends
Please remember that you and your friends are invited to join us for Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 28 from Noon to 2 pm. 

Don’t forget to register for Advent by Candlelight! See the bulletin for details Tap the button below to register today!


Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage and Mass in Grand Rapids
Join a pilgrimage to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe on Wednesday, Dec. 11 followed by Mass. Pilgrims will meet at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Grand Rapids at 5 pm and, beginning at 6:30 pm, process to the Shrine of St. Francis Xavier & Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Grand Rapids (approximately one mile) arriving at the Shrine by 7:30 p.m. A rosary will be prayed along the way. Please dress for the weather and bring your own candle or LED luminary to light the way during the procession. Following the pilgrimage, Mass will be celebrated at the Shrine of St. Francis & Our Lady of Guadalupe at 8 pm. For more information, contact Jesús Sánchez in the Hispanic Ministry Office at (616) 551-4749.

Christmas Eve Masses are at 5 pm and 11 pm. Christmas Day Mass is at 9 am.