Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish has a long tradition of setting the table and serving our extended community through our annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner in November and Winter Community Dinner in January. All are invited to join in the delicious homemade dinners as we gather together in Christ and reach out to our neighbors in need.
There are many ways to volunteer:
• RSVP and join us for dinner
• Reach out and invite a family member, friend, or neighbor
• Drive a guest (who needs transportation) and dine with them
• Donate a dessert and drop it off before the dinner
• Sign up in the back of church and volunteer to help with the dinner (decorations, kitchen prep, greeters, food servers and clean up).
• Share the dinner invite with others and help us spread the love
• Support the dinner financially by throwing a few bucks in the special collection in November
Call Lori Fedewa, Christian Service Director at (616) 459-4662 for more information or email lorifedewa@stthomasgr.org.