Save the Date for VBS 2025
June 23 – 27, 2025
9 am – Noon (tentatively)

Vacation Bible School is a wonderful adventure, filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences that the students will see, hear, and touch! You will not want to miss this amazing undersea adventure. Students will gather as crews to begin and end VBS each day, then attend Breakout Sessions for the Level I or Level II program depending on the age of the children.

  • Level I is for children 4 years old (by June 30) through entering 1st grade for the 2025 – 2026 school year
  • Level II is for children entering 2nd through 6th grade for the 2025 – 2026 school year.
  • A Nursery will be provided for children under 4 (through June 30) for parents/grandparents/caregiver who volunteer.

Have questions:
● Volunteers Questions can be directed to Abby Vandyke,
● Supplies Questions can be directed to Nicole Mey at (616) 591-8449 or
● Any other question can be directed to John Paul and Christina Strobel at (616) 591-8725 or

Adult Volunteers Information:

Any adult volunteer must complete the diocese Safe Environment Youth Protection (VIRTUS) program. If you have not completed VIRTUS training before, please register at and select the Grand Rapids, MI (diocese) option. If you have a student who may have just turned 18, please make sure that they attend. If you have completed VIRTUS training but at a different parish, please login to your account and add St. Thomas as one of your selected parishes. Please contact Abby Vandyke or Pam Strobel (at the Parish office) if you have any questions.

If you have children under the age of 4, we do have a great childcare program available for the children (including babies) of volunteers. We offer as much as possible a one-to-one child/caregiver ratio, the air-conditioned comfort of the kindergarten and preschool rooms in the Ministry Center, outdoor play time, and snack.

There is no charge to attend VBS. We just ask families to contribute needed supplies for the program as they are financially able.

Please email if you have any questions.
Christmas Eve Masses are at 5 pm and 11 pm. Christmas Day Mass is at 9 am.