Sunday Hospitality Ministry
Sunday Hospitality Ministry is a great way to meet fellow parishioners after Sunday Mass! Help serve coffee, donuts, and other treats to our community from September through May in the lower level of the Church or on the front lawn of the Church. Parishioners and guests gather to share fun, faith, and fellowship in a warm and welcoming environment! Call Lori Fedewa at (616) 459-4662 or email lorifedewa@stthomasgr.org to get involved.
The New Member Welcome Ministry Team
The New Member Welcome Ministry Team welcomes recently registered parishioners to our Saint Thomas the Apostle family. Throughout the year, New Member Receptions are held in the Church Lower Level following the 9 am Mass at approximately 10 am. We have these receptions September through June. As a team member, you might help with event set-up or light clean-up, welcome new parishioners, introduce new members to others, and write follow-up notes and make phone calls . Children are welcome to attend! Seasoned parishioners who are excited about Saint Thomas are always encouraged to get involved! Call Kiki Lown at (616) 560-8240 or email Kiki for more information.
The Family Meals Ministry Team
The Family Meals Ministry Team shows love and concern for parishioners who have recently had (or adopted) a child, experienced a death in the family, had surgery, or another emergency by preparing a meal for them. They provide meals a few times a week for a few weeks, depending upon the family’s need. Online sign-up will be facilitated by Carla Grant at (616) 690-2321 or email carlagrant22@gmail.com.