Beginning Sunday, February 23
2 – 4 pm
Ministry Center Community Room
Never before have parents faced so many complex challenges! To help navigate these, Love and Logic skills offer a variety of simple yet effective parenting resources designed to support families from birth to adulthood. These trusted resources for parenting are grounded in love, respect, and proven strategies that make a lasting difference.
Parishioner Helen Milanowski will offer the Parenting the Love and Logic Way® training course beginning February 23 for 6 weeks on Sunday afternoons. (Feb. 23, March 9, 16, 23, 30 and another date to be determined.) The cost is $85 per couple, which includes a parent booklet. Payment can be made by cash or check to Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish. Childcare will be provided free of charge for those who request it.
The Parenting the Love and Logic Way® curriculum was developed by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., and Foster W. Cline, M.D. For more information, call Helen at (616) 774-8471 or Pam Strobel at the Parish Office (616) 459-4662. See their website for testimonials and further information about the program.