100 Years of ABCs
L Lamb Relief – The lamb relief above the chapel door was originally placed on the front of the high altar when the present church was built in 1954. When the Church was renovated in 1981 and the altar was removed, the lamb relief was placed in a frame and hung to the right of the chapel entrance. When the Church was renovated in 2004, the lamb relief was removed from the frame and hung above the chapel door.
Little Lights – A Folk Mass with guitars, flutes, clarinets, percussion and vocalists was offered at the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass in 1969 for a trial period. As popularity with this group caught on, this became the regular Sunday morning Folk Mass. The Mass schedule eventually shifted to 9:30 and in 1979 these young musicians became known as “The Little Lights” for their “theme” song, “This Little Light of Mine.” Lori Szarkowski led the group during the late 70’s and early 80’s and about 50 young adults were known to be part of the group at various points during this time period. They truly saw their role as worshipping with rather than performing for the congregation. The Little Lights celebrated their final liturgy together on August 21, 1983. It was our good fortune, however, that new parishioners Greg and Kathy Proulx stepped up at this time to continue to offer Folk Music at the 9:30 Mass.
Little Sisters of the Poor – The Little Sisters of the Poor offered their chapel on Lafayette Avenue to the Saint Thomas parishioners for their Sunday worship in 1924 and 1925 while our Church was being built. The annual “Golden Mass” became a tradition at Saint Thomas as a means of thanking the Sisters. Food was brought to the altar by school children during the Mass and was donated to the Sisters.
Longest Serving Staff Member – Ted Coon began his employment with Saint Thomas in March, 1986, which is over 38 years ago. Eileen Bockheim began her employment in January, 1993. Father Jim came to Saint Thomas shortly after Eileen in May, 1993. Kathy Proulx began her position at the school as Music and Band Director in 1991. Kathy and Greg had been Music Ministers at the Church since 1983, leading a Folk Mass. Kathy’s employment with the church as Assistant Music Director began in 1995.