Mission Statement
We provide a spiritual home for all God’s family and nurture one another through the sacraments and the principles of Catholic faith.
Vision Statement
A welcoming, Christ-centered parish, guided by the Holy Spirit, celebrating prayer, worship, education, and the sacraments as the way of living God’s kingdom on Earth.
Parish Values
We value being a community of Catholic faith in which parishioners…
- Encourage and support a living relationship with Jesus for themselves and others
- Are guided by the principles of Catholic faith to enrich an adult life of faith in the world
- Show respect for where people are in their understanding and embrace of the Catholic faith and encourage them to grow
- Understand and accept that the next step forward in faith is not necessarily the same for everyone
- Intentionally invite and welcome new faces and new talents to our parish and school
- Consistently include all who would like to participate in ministry and programs
- Proactively encourage the development of lay leaders
Parish History
We have a rich history here at Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish and are pleased to share below some of the highlights throughout the decades. We also recognize those who of our Parish who have gone before us marked with the sign of Faith. A booklet called the Saint Thomas the Apostle Necrology (a list of deaths) was compiled for our 100th Anniversary. Please join with us in praying for our Faithful Departed.
In addition to the history written below, to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the founding of Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish, the following pages were added to the 2023 – 2024 Faith in Action Ministry Guide and Parish Directory to create a visual history of our Parish from 1924 through 2024.
Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish 100 years in Review Photo Album
Writer and Editor: Rita O’Neill-Wiseman
Special recognition to the St. Thomas Historical Commission whose efforts in compiling the Golden Jubilee Book helped us greatly in documenting this 75 year timeline.
The completed Saint Thomas the Apostle Church and School in 1925
This is the story of Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish, conceived and nurtured by people of simple faith. Gently, as parents who join with God in creation, they provide a place of serenity and peace for the arrival of their offspring. Showered with gifts of love and guided by calm, sure hands, the Parish takes those first baby steps into the Roaring Twenties.
1923 In a world adjusting to peace in the aftermath of World War I, Catholic Families living on the south east side of a rapidly growing city make their way downtown to worship at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew. Hopes and dreams of having a church near to home are soon realized as Bishop Edward Kelley makes the decision to create a new parish to be located on Wilcox Park Drive, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
1924 On May 8, Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish is canonically established. Ground is broken, and 75 enthusiastic families eagerly await completion of the combination church/school building. Graciously, the Little Sisters of the Poor offer their chapel on Lafayette Avenue for Sunday Mass during construction. Mrs. Oscar Varneau begins the music ministry of the parish by playing the organ for these first Saint Thomas Masses. At the meeting in September in the home of Bishop Kelley, the Women’s Guild is organized. A grateful parish holds a card party and uses the proceeds to purchase Christmas gifts for elderly residents cared for by the Little Sisters. This is one of the first Guild activities, becoming a tradition to be carried on for as long as the work of the the Little Sisters continues in Grand Rapids.
1925 Reverend Aloysisus M. Fitzpatrick, Chancellor of the Grand Rapids Diocese, assumes duties as the first pastor and Mass is celebrated in the new church on Sunday, October 18. The simple, reverent dignity of the new church is evident in the tasteful appointments donated by its members. In addition to the church, which occupies half of the ground floor, the new building also has three classrooms for 63 children who start school in October of 1925. Women of the Parish organize a flower guild to provide flowers for the altars.
1926 Fr. Robert W. Bogg, Diocesan secretary, is appointed pastor of Saint Thomas following the illness and resignation of Father Fitzpatrick. Ordained in 1924, Father Bogg had been administrator at Saint Catherine and Saint Francis, Ravenna and Saint Francis de Sales, Holland, before coming here. It is a year of “firsts” in the new Saint Thomas the Apostle Church.
1927 Choirs are formed in these very early days. At the 8 am Mass, sweet treble voices of school children echo beautiful old Latin and English hymns. The mature blending of male and female adult voices add significant dimensions to the solemnity of the 11 am High Mass. Mrs. S.H. Sichterman is the organist.
1928 Reverend Joseph F. Drew comes to Saint Thomas. His experience as pastor of Saint James, Montague, assistant at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew, and chaplain in the armed forces equip him well to minister to the needs of our fledgling Parish.
1929 The stock market crash creates unforeseen difficulties, testing the faith of a nation.
Writer: Rita O’Neill-Wiseman
Entering the growing-up years, the steps become more confident, yet the Parish needs and receives more support. Nurtured by faith and love, its people enter a new decade, one of hardship and depression:
1930 The Parish struggles with debt, but continues its spiritual growth as parish groups develop more fully.
1931 Fred Chinnick and Miss Agnes Douglas continue to provide music at St. Thomas.
1932 Another “first” – the Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred by Bishop Joseph A. Piten upon the seventh-grade class. In August, Sister Helen Louise Brogger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brogger, professes as a member of the Dominican Order.
1933 Graduation day! The first group of student completes eight grades at Saint Thomas School.
1934 The ushers continue to serve the Parish in various ways.
1935 The first double wedding in Saint Thomas Church takes place on Thanksgiving Day, November 28. Twin sisters, Rosemary and Rosella O’Connor, marry Clement Huxall and James Hickey respectively.
1936 Despite troubled times, an annual picnic is held at Townsend Park.
1937 The Women’s Guild continues as both a social and fund-raising group. A Past Presidents’ Christmas Tea is held each year on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8. A fall potluck dinner is another annual event.
1938 Circles comprise the Women’s Guild membership, each sponsoring one or more special activities per year to raise funds.
1939 Mrs. Leonard F. Howe begins organization of the Altar Society.
Now in its teens, the Parish is ready to take risks as it develops and grows physically and spiritually. The foundations of love and trust combine with strong leadership to carry its people through the war years:
1940 On July 3, Reverend Raymond J. Sweeney comes to Saint Thomas as pastor. He is no stranger to many parishioners who know him well.
1941 In the rectory at 1436 Wilcox Park Drive, Mrs. Paul J. Hermann begins work as the first Parish secretary. Sophia’s sincere, kindly personality creates an efficient, yet warm and friendly place where folks can visit or call.
1942 The houses at 1420 and 1421 Grace Street are purchased for a convent, one of many transactions enabling parish growth.
1943 Several young men from Saint Thomas families dedicate their lives to God’s work.
-Reverend Edward Eardley, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eardley, ordained December 8, 1943.
-Reverend Robert Bernard Gillespies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gillespie, ordained December 8, 1943.
-Reverend Gregory J. Steigmeyer, CSC, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Steigmeyer, ordained June 24, 1943.
-Reverend John W. McGee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McGee, ordained March 19, 1943.
The first issue of The Prop Wash is sent out to service men and women from the parish on April 1. Father Gerard Guzikowski arrives to assist at Holy Week and remains until transferred in September. While at Saint Thomas, Father completes a parish census and give support to the youth of the parish helping in The Prop Wash endeavor and countless other ways.
1944 Parish growth triggers thoughts of expansion. Could a land trade be possible with the Holland Home? (Saint Thomas property on Fulton Street for Holland Home garden land on Wilcox Park Drive.)
1945 The house adjoining the school that had been purchased and rented is now converted into a Kindergarten under the able direction of Sister M. Adrienne and later Nancy Corcoran. Negotiations with Aquinas College commence (to purchase land east of the Saint Thomas line). Eventually 4 acres extending from Wilcox Park Drive north to Fulton are purchased for the sum of $5,000. The Prop Wash publishes an Honor Roll with the names and addresses of those from Saint Thomas in service and a Gold Star Roll for friends who gave their lives in World War II. Sister Anne (Sally) Keating, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Keating, enters the order of Sisters of Saint Dominic on September 8. Saint Thomas unit of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society is organized.
1946 Newly ordained Father Joseph Wiekeriak begins his pastoral work as assistant at Saint Thomas. Twenty-eight Saint Thomas men begin league play at Ridgemoor Golf Club.
1947 Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Steigmeyer rejoice in the ordination of their son, Reverend Robert C. Steigmeyer, CSC.
1948 Reverend Paul F. Kersjes comes to Saint Thomas as assistant pastor. Another Saint Thomas son begins God’s work as William W. McKnight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKnight, is ordained on May 22. Miss Anna Schulte and Mrs. Edward McKnight begin a campaign to collect old gold. The response results in the creation of a new chalice, similar to the chalice of Antioch. The gold chalice remains in use for many years at Sunday Mass. A formal Ushers’ Club is formed that is to become a main force in directing and financing the Parish athletic program, in addition to assisting at Masses and other Parish functions.
1949 More young men from Saint Thomas families dedicate their lives to God’s work:
-Edward D. Nugent, C.SS.R. is ordained on January 6.
-Gilbert Rahrig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rahrig, is ordained on April 23.
Writer: Rita O’Neill-Wiseman
Like many young adults, the Parish is caught in a whirlwind of change. In a beautiful new church the family can rejoice, worship, and sometimes grieve. Industriously, its people prepare for the enrichment and fulfillment of The Fifties.
1950 Ordained in June, Father Stanislaus A. Bur comes to Saint Thomas in December as assistant pastor. The men of Saint Thomas continue to do God’s work:
-Joseph Pawlicki, the first Scoutmaster of Saint Thomas, is ordained on June 7. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pawlicki.
-Father James J. Nugent, C.SS.R. is ordained a Redemptorist priest on June 29.
1951 The third of the Nugent brothers, William A. Nugent, C.SS.R., becomes a Redemptorist priest on July 2. (While the Nugents were originally members of Saint Alphonsus Parish, their parents later moved to Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish and their sons became an important part of Saint Thomas history. As an example, one Christmas Eve the three brothers concelebrated Midnight Mass, as a memorable experience for all present.) As of November 14, Saint Thomas owns 238-feet of frontage on Wilcox Park Drive east of the school-church and 265-feet from Wilcox Park Drive north to the Holland Home south line.
1952 Plans are in the drawing stages for a new church to be built upon the newly acquired land. In November, Father Raymond Pattok begins his stay as assistant pastor at Saint Thomas. The young people continue their vocations to religious service as Thomas Neis is ordained on June 7.
1953 Lisa Marie Lazio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lazio, enters the orders of Sisters of Saint Dominic. Ground is broken for the new church. To finance the new construction, a Parish fund drive begins.
1954 Father Lionel Harnish comes to the Parish as assistant pastor. Pope Pius XII names our pastor a domestic prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. Bishop Allen J. Babcock blesses the cornerstone for the new church. Subsequently, on the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle, December 21, the church is blessed and the altars consecrated. Another round of “firsts” begins with the first First Holy Communion Class in the new church in November and the first baptisms: Ann Mead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mead; Michael Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell; Mark Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson. Under the leadership of Evelyn Yentz, the women of the Parish organize a golf league. Monsignor Sweeney celebrates 25 years in the priesthood.
1955 In March, the Sacrament of Confirmation becomes another “first” in the new Saint Thomas the Apostle Church. Paula Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Val Schmidt, professes her vows in the Redemptoristine Contemplative Order. The space formerly occupied by the first Saint Thomas Church is remodeled to alleviate crowded conditions in the school. Saint Thomas participates in the Diocesan Development Fund for the first time. Continuing successfully for many years, this drive comes to be known as the Catholic Services Appeal. Work on the church parking lot commences.
1956 Our beloved pastor, now Monsignor Sweeney, suffers a heart attack. Parish life continues while he recovers, thanks to the groundwork he has laid since his arrival in 1940. Mary Sheryl Lazio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lazio, enters the order of Sisters of Notre Dame, Cleveland, Ohio.
1957 Sister Marilyn Quinlan, BVM, professes vows in the order of Sisters of Charity, Dubuque, Iowa in March. Father Noel Fay arrives at Saint Thomas.
1958 Colbrook Creek work continues. Robert T. Hesse, CSC, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hesse, professes as a Holy Cross Foreign Missionary on June 4.
1959 Two more young women offer their lives to religious service:
-Sister Margaret Anne Hillary, O.P., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Hillary, professes her final vows.
-Sister Georgeann Quinlan, BVM, professes vows in the order of Sisters of Charity, Dubuque, Iowa.
Writer: Rita O’Neill-Wiseman
Continually adjusting its boundaries and always seeking to further fulfill the dreams of its creators, the Parish prepares for the challenges of The Sixties.
1960 Work begins on enlarging the remodeled school and construction of an all-purpose gym. Reverend Vernon William Wright, Jr., C.SS.R. is ordained in June and Sister Mary Therese Hillary, RCS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Hillary, enters Sisters of the Good Shepherd of Cincinnati, Ohio in September.
1961 A group of creative parishioners form the “Theatercrafters.” Father Charles Ausberger is ordained in June and comes to Saint Thomas as assistant pastor. Brother James Edward Kozak, CSC, professes as a Holy Cross Brother in August.
1962 Reverend Valentin Rodriquez, who was ordained in Belgium in 1937, arrives at Saint Thomas in September. Sister Mary Brigid Clingman, O.P., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clingman, professes as a member of the Dominican Order.
1963 The school and gym completed and in use, thought is now given to the new convent. The old house that serves as a convent at 1420 Grace Street is razed, and a new convent is built on the site. At a cost of $150,000, the building is state-of-the-art. Opened in September, it is generously and tastefully equipped by many parish members. Father R. Dale Morgan comes to St. Thomas as assistant pastor. Sister Mary Margaret Lazio, CSJ, enters the Order of Sister of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis, Missouri.
1964 Sister Patricia Mary of the Trinity Metzger, daughter of Mrs. Patricia Metzger, professes her final vows in the Order of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Rennes, Brittany.
1965 Sister Lisa Ann Lazio, CSJ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lazio, enters the Order of Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis, Missouri.
1966 Saint Thomas forms a Parish Board of Education based on the Michigan Catholic Conference constitution and serves as a pilot board for one year-assisting other parishes as well. A permanent constitution that suits the specific needs of Saint Thomas is put into place. A Home and School Association soon follows. Reverend Stanford Chrysostom Van Hoeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Van Hoeck, is ordained on June 9.
1967 At an estimated cost of $227,298, a new rectory is built. A Parish Finance Committee is formed to direct a tithing renewal program to help support the building costs.
1968 Monsignor Sweeney and Fr. Ausberger occupy the new rectory. The building has rooms where clergy can come to reside and learn. With meeting rooms as well as living quarters, it is planned to also serve the Parish as an administration center. Father Andrew Cruschiel comes to Saint Thomas for a stay of one year. Father John Neuhaus also arrives. School enrollment reaches its peak as 470 baby boomers attend classes.
1969 In accordance with directives from Vatican II, a Pena-Council is established. Father Gaspar Ancona takes up residence in the new rectory.
Writer: Rita O’Neill-Wiseman
Having rejoiced, delighted, wept, and prayed, momentarily the Parish pauses to reflect on the past. Always surrounded by the faith, hope, and love of the Holy Trinity, the people continue to give life in their Golden Jubilee Years, The Seventies.
1970 A Parish Council replaces the Pena-Council in accordance with directives of Vatican II. On March 15, Monsignor Sweeney’s resignation becomes effective. Awaiting the arrival of a new pastor, Father Raymond E. Bruck is appointed interim administrator for Saint Thomas serving until June 14. In July, Father Frederick J. Voss is appointed pastor of Saint Thomas. Father Voss is a native of Grand Rapids and Saint Mary’s Parish. Ordained in December of 1943, Father Voss has served many parishes, not the least of which was Saint Robert of Newminster in Ada where he was the organizer and first pastor. Father Martin Toolis arrives soon after. As deacon, he continues his studies and is ordained in Saint Thomas Church on October 7. During the ordination ceremony, Bishop Breitenbeck appoints Father Toolis as associate pastor of our Parish. The Vice Chancellor of the Grand Rapids Diocese, Reverend Joseph Battersby, takes up residence at Saint Thomas the Apostle rectory.
1971 Father Ronald Schneider is appointed to succeed Father Toolis as associate pastor and is placed in charge of the Parish youth program. First grade is reinstated at Saint Thomas School. Father Voss is elected Dean of the Grand Rapids East Deanery. Jeanne Zielinski takes over as Parish secretary.
1972 The Annettes continue to serve Saint Thomas Parish in many ways.
1973 The 50-Plus Club is organized by Jill and Ron Skinner to promote companionship, congeniality and good will among Saint Thomas senior citizens.
1974 The Kindergarten is reinstated at Saint Thomas School. Father Voss is called to Rome to pursue a three-month course of study. Father Ron Schneider is appointed director of the Diocesan Youth Ministry. Joseph Phillip Amar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Amar is ordained a priest of the Maronite Rite on September 21. In October, the Parish celebrates its first fifty years.
1975 Since the retirement of Anna Schulte, Robert Olman has been organist and choir director. The magnificent accompaniments to the 50th anniversary celebrations are a tribute to Bob’s creativity and talent. Recognition is given to several prayerful women who care for votive lights, missalettes, and hymnals daily; Cecelia McGarry, Helen Ronan, Frances Carey, and Marcie Schmidt. As is true of any Parish, fund drives take place periodically. Father Voss is diagnosed with a brain tumor. Radical surgery removes the rapidly developing growth. Eventually our much loved priest is robbed of his ability to walk.
1976 The first lay woman becomes a Minister of the Word. In the late fall, the Parish Council holds the Dinner of the Year to showcase the work being accomplished by various commissions. Father Voss continues to concelebrate Mass from a wheelchair, but by Christmas he can no longer be taken to the church. Throughout his illness, parishioners take turns coming into the rectory to care for him. Inspired by the moving example of Father Ron Schneider, the people of Saint Thomas give Father Voss loving professional care right in his own home.
1977 In February, Father Voss – in a final, gallant effort – appears in the sanctuary at Sunday Mass. Father Bernard Hall comes to Saint Thomas as associate pastor. On March 21, at home in the rectory, Father Voss quietly dies. In May, Father Ron Schneider is transferred to Saint Bartholomew Parish in Newaygo. A farewell Mass and reception honor Father Ron on May 4. June marks the installation of Monsignor Walter F. Jude as pastor of Saint Thomas Parish. An afternoon reception is held on the church lawn to welcome him. Monsignor Jude had been involved in pastoral work since his ordination in 1945, serving parishes in Muskegon, Grand Rapids, Winn, Mancelona, Bellaire, Newaygo, and White Cloud. His administrative talents were also evident in his service to the diocese in various roles. A preschool program for 4-year-olds is initiated with the hope of increasing school enrollment.
1978 Deacon Martin Kurylowicz joins the Parish staff. During Eucharistic Days in November, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Ministers of the Word are installed. Communal penance services at Christmas and Easter are well received by the Parish. A Time and Talent Stewardship drive commences. The warm, loving service by the people of Saint Thomas in Jesus’ name continues as the activities of the Annettes is absorbed into the Christian Service Commission under the able direction of Sheila Pupel. Girl Scout Brownies Troop 202 is organized. Personnel changes continue as Father Hall leaves to pursue graduate studies. Soon, Monsignor Sweeney moves into the rectory at Holy Trinity, Alpine. Father Jude in transferred to Saint Simon and Saint Stanislaus, Ludington. Father James C. Cusack arrives on July 2nd, coming to Saint Thomas from Our Lady of Consolation, Rockford, where he was the first pastor. He also served as pastor at Assumption, Belmont, and Saint Henry and Mission at Rosebush, and as assistant at several other parishes. Sister Lydia Korson, O.P., assumes duties as the new principal for fall 1978. Kindergarten enrollment increases due to the successful preschool program. Sunday morning Religious Education programs are initiated, including special education for handicapped children.
1979 Reverend Dennis Wagner and Reverend Terry Stewart are in residence. In February, a high school guitar group offers to provide music at the 9:30 am Mass on Sundays. Heartily accepted by members of the Parish, they come to be known as The Little Lights. A Saint Thomas Week of Renewal with Father Emery Tang takes place in late April. Participation of the laity in sacramental ministry is moving forward at Saint Thomas. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist carry the Blessed Sacrament to about 25-30 shut-ins weekly. Recognizing the need for a sacristan, the Parish Council appoints Marcia Carbines to serve in this capacity. Marcia also agrees to care for the flowers for the altars. Father Phillip Shangraw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shangraw, is ordained and celebrates his first Mass at Saint Thomas on May 5. September kicks off an Immediate Action Drive to increase revenues, pay off the debt and provide funds for the church renovation. The Parish congratulates Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Raymond J. Sweeney on his 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Distribution of the Eucharist under both species at weekend Masses begins in the fall. In October, Father Daniel Aerts joins us as associate pastor. Around the first of December, plans to renovate the church according to decrees of Vatican II are announced.
Writer: Rita O’Neill-Wiseman
Thankful for physical and spiritual growth, the people experience a need to reach out to others less fortunate. Inspired by love and faith, the parish wagerly moves forward in the era of lay ministry, the sharing years of the Eighties.
1980 The Parish decides to give 5% of the weekly collection to ESPERANCA, a medical missionary project on the Amazon River in South America. In September, the first Communal Anointing of the Sick takes place. The Parish is free of debt. Renovation plans for the church are finalized.
1981 Father Cusack celebrates his 25th anniversary of ordination. Reflecting on the meaning of being Catholic in relationship with our fellow Catholics, Parish renewal weekends begin. The first of such weekends in the Diocese, several more are planned at Saint Thomas. The Parish welcomes Sister Marie Emile Rivard, O.P., new principal of the school. Monsignor Raymond J. Sweeney, Pastor Emeritus, dies at age 80 – 41 years after he assumed pastoral duties here in July 1940. Mass of Resurrection is celebrated at Saint Thomas in the church he strove so diligently to build 29 years before. In view of the declining number of sisters in residence at Saint Thomas, the Parish Council approves a proposal to contact the Chancery Office for permission to lease or sell the convent.
1982 The RENEW program commences, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Grand Rapids. in phase one, small groups meet to enhance fellowship in faith through scripture, prayer, and dialogue. The program is to continue for three years. The Parish adopts a Vietnamese family. Monsignor Sweeney Council of the Knights of Columbus is organized. Father Rock Badgerow joins us as associate pastor.
1983 A gift bearers program begins. Greg and Kathy Proulx begin their guitar music ministry, succeeding The Little Lights. New, permanent furnishings are installed in the sanctuary.
1984 Jeanne Zielinski retires, ending a dedicated 13-year tenure as Parish secretary to three pastors and numerous associates and resident clergy. Tisha Leonard assumes duties as Parish secretary. Sister Paschal Barth, O.P., long-time principal of Saint Thomas School, celebrates her golden anniversary with parishioners at Saint Thomas. John Jaksa assumes the post of principal, the first lay person and the first male to ever hold this position at Saint Thomas School. A gift of the Fritz family in memory of Edward Fritz, a chair lift to the lower level is installed to accommodate handicapped persons. The Parish donates property on Fulton Street to the Mercy Respite Center and continues generously to support the construction of a new facility on the site. A Polish couple, Yvonne and Thomas Lisniewski, is adopted by the Parish, the second family to be helped via the Refugee Resettlement Program.
1985 Sarah Meinke continues the organ and choir ministry. Our school now serves about 300 students, an increase from a count of 205 in 1980.
1986 A series of musical performances benefits the Mercy Respite Center and celebrates Father Cusack’s 30th anniversary of ordination. The Parish pledges to support the Educational Foundation. In addition to the founding members, the board consists of Edward B. Carlson, Daniel J. Vidro, Calvin F. Wallis, Nancy Greening Kennedy, Thomas L. Quinn, Sr., David A. Taylor, and Suzanne Haas Williams. The first Parish Empowerment Weekend takes place under the direction of Father Chuck Gallagher, S.J., as part of RENEW.
1987 Through the combined efforts of Nancy Poggi, Gerry Quinn, and Father Cusack, Stephen Ministry is inaugurated at Saint Thomas. Father Donald J. Heydens is appointed pastor, coming to us from Holy Family Parish in Caledonia. Ordained in 1970 at Saint Francis de Sales, Holland, Father has also served as assistant at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew and Saint Francis Xavier in Grand Rapids.
1988 Men’s and Women’s Annual Retreats continue at Saint Lazare’s in Spring Lake. Dianne Penning Koperski continues the music ministry.
1989 Religious education classes continue for Parish children enrolled in public schools.
Writer: Rita O’Nell-Wiseman
From its birth in the 1920’s through the struggle to grow into a vibrant, active Parish, the people never cease their efforts to fulfill the dream. Late in life, the Parish continues to generate love, compassion, and faith in the world. Filled with the Holy Spirit, there is a new vision of hope:
1990 On Ascension Thursday, Bishop Rose appoints Father Thomas Johnston, O.P., as Diocesan Director of Worship and Associate Pastor of Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish. The Parish Council begins the transition to two major advisory groups of parishioners, resulting in the establishment of a Financial Council. Dave Bulkowski accepts the position of Youth Minister. Father Don Heydens celebrates his 20th anniversary of ordination. Evangelization Program Training begins. The initial Liturgy of the Word with Children takes place with 81 children participating during the nine o’clock Mass. The parish congratulates Martha Despres on 14 years of dedication to scheduling and overseeing our Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion. Dorothy Clingman continues to moderate the Scripture Study Group. Hospital Ministers now visit each hospital daily. Seventy-nine people take part in the Communal Celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick. Expanding the Usher Ministry, a new group is formed. The Ministers of Hospitality are families who together welcome and carry out their duties – seating, orderly communion, presentation of the gifts, and reorganization of the pews after Mass.
1991 Appeal 2000 seeks funds for the Saint Thomas Educational Foundation. A support group is established for those having family members involved in the Gulf War. Father Don visits Esperanca. Saint Thomas adopts a smoke-free environment policy. Mrs. Louise Eardley, a charter member of the Parish, celebrates her 105th birthday. Our beloved Parish secretary of the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s, Sophia Hermann, celebrates her 96th birthday. Tributes are paid to Mary Ann Blum and Kathryn Bowen for their years of untiring dedication.
1992 In January, healing services are initiated, taking place after 11 am Mass. A Parish Mission with the goal of spiritual renewal and refocusing is led by Father Phil Shangraw, Sister Mary Ann Barrett, O.P., and Father James Chelich. Father Tom Johnston is appointed secretary general of the Order of Preachers headquartered at Rome. Thanksgiving at Saint Thomas has always meant Christian Service. Generous donations of food and clothing enable the delivery of bountiful baskets to those in need. This year, the Parish sponsors the first Thanksgiving Day dinner for the poor, needy, and homeless.
1993 Eileen Bockheim takes the post of Music Director. In April, Father James A. Chelich accepts the invitation to come to Saint Thomas as temporary administrator. In June, he is appointed pastor. Father Jim began his pastoral work first as assistant at Holy Trinity, Alpine and Saint John Vianney, then as Pastor of Sacred Heart, Evart and Saint Agnes, Marion. He comes to Saint Thomas from Saint Adalbert, Grand Rapids. Noon hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament begins. Father Jim goes to World Youth Day when Pope John Paul II is in Denver. The Dominican Sisters move out of our convent to Marywood. David Faber accepts the post of principal of Saint Thomas School.
1994 The school expands the preschool program to include three-year-olds. In addition, a Media Center addresses the unique learning needs and style of each student. The first step in a long-range technology plan, the media center combines the current library with a new 22 station computer lab. Multi-media stations are added in each classroom, and all computers network together throughout the School and Parish Office, forming a local area network for voice, video, and data. The Media Center is the informational hub of the School, paving the way for internet access in the future. Father Jim inaugurates a tape ministry at Saint Thomas. For a nominal fee, parishioners can purchase tapes of homilies and other teachings. A program is added to the School curriculum and the Volunteers in Partnership (V.I.P.) program begins. Over 200 volunteers a year take part in a multitude of programs and opportunities that offer benefits to our students. For the first time in its 70 year history, Saint Thomas School goes through an extensive accreditation process with the Michigan Association of Non-public Schools (MANS). Father Jim makes a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Sunday Evening Vespers begin. A long-range plan steering committee is formed. Sue Haas Williams agrees to facilitate the process.
1995 A new sound system is donated and installed. The decision to use the convent is announced; it will not be sold. A written survey is sent to parishioners regarding the long-range plan.
1996 Father Jim celebrates his 20th Anniversary of Ordination The long-range plan is sent to parishioners. Over 200 children participate in the first week-long shared ministry with Calvary Reformed Church, a Vacation Bible School, lead by Kay Trenshaw and Ann Geer. A Ministry Center Commission meets to determine the best use of the convent and completes a plan to renovate and expand the buildings as part of the long-range plan. Gerard Bribiescas becomes Coordinator of Ministries, and Beth Price accepts the position of Youth Minister. Ann Geer assumes the position of Director of Religious Education and Formation.
1997 The long-range plan continues to unfold with the funding and building of a Parish Ministry Center. In March, Father Jim’s message enlarges on the benefits of the Ministry Center to our retired parishioners. After long and careful planning, a Pastoral Council is selected to work with the pastor. JoAnn Ambrose, Cindy Clingman, Jim Ens, Dan Erlandson, Christian Fernando, Ken Kelly, Jeff Needham, Jill Skinner, and Art Veneklase are installed at Vespers on Pentecost Sunday. A once-a-year collection envelope marked Altar Society is a reminder of the former Altar Society and the generous women who were active in it over a great number of years. Most of their work has been taken up by the Parish Liturgy Commission and the volunteers associated with it. Contributions and the efforts of selfless women who to this day iron small altar linens assure the continuation of their work. Jon David Vander Ploeg, son of Stephen and Mary Vander Ploeg, joins the Companions of Christ Community, St. Paul, Minnesota. A complete Spanish program is added to the school.
1998 Ministers of the Eucharist to the Homebound visit our parishioners who live in nursing homes or are confined to their own residence by poor health or impaired mobility. Noreen Wurz steps down as leader of this ministry, after some 50 years of vital involvement in various Parish ministries. Jean Popma now heads this caring group. An elevator to the Church Lower Level is installed. The first Annual Health Fair takes place. Each year, as we are called to stewardship, we recall the unceasing efforts of the Women’s Guild, the Ushers Club, and other organizations to support the physical growth and foster Parish harmony.
1999 The Parish congratulates Marcia Carbines on her many years dedicated to innovative planning, coordinating, and developing our liturgical environment. Seventy-five years after three Dominican Sisters began teaching here, our school today employs a total of 15 full-time lay teachers and administrators, eight part-time teachers, all of whom maintain current certification requiring continuous postgraduate coursework. Although the Dominican Sisters have moved to other ministries, Saint Thomas School will always honor their mission, the Christ-centered education of Saint Thomas children. The Ministry Center opens. Father Jim continues to work in the Parish garden, chatting with folks who see him at work creating a vision of beauty, spring, summer, and fall. For three years, Paul and Jane Maczka planted and weeded those areas between the rectory and church. Now the gardens are filled with plantings from other parishioners and friends. The plants in Fr. Jim’s pastoral garden also continue to blossom year round as he prayerfully and compassionately tends to us daily.
Celebrating 75
August 1999
In late August sales of mementos begin. After all Masses parishioners have an opportunity to purchase baseball caps, T-shirts, brass key chains and ceramic mugs. The 75th Anniversary logo appears on all items.
September 1999 On September 26 a picnic is held at Townsend Park, the site of the first of many Parish picnics through the years. Parishioners watch with nostalgia as their children play in the creek as they themselves once did. In this place created by God and preserved by man, memories continue to be made as some 600 people enjoy the day.
October 1999 On October 17, an Anniversary Mass with Bishop Robert Rose is celebrated with Father James Chelich, Father James Cusack, Father Raymond Bruck, Father Bernard A. Hall, and Father Richard Lawie in attendance. Prayers and songs of thanksgiving honor the past and the present. Descendents of charter members representing generations of Saint Thomas parishioners are gift bearers. Many Dominican Sisters and retired teachers are present to celebrate with us. The original candle holders used in the first church adorn the sanctuary and the entire worship space is spectacular in subtle beauty. At the candlelight reception held afterwards in the lower level, memorabilia tables display items of interest to both recent and long-time members. With keepsake candles lending a soft glow to the hall, delicious food, dance music, and the sparkling spirit generated by a Parish playing together, the dinner dance on October 23 is truly a diamond jubilee event. Connecting with the Inner-City Christian Federation, the Christian Service Commission purchases a lot upon which parishioners will build a home for the benefit of a low-income family. Ground is broken on October 23 and the project will come to completion sometime in the next year.
November 1999 On November 2, an evening Mass of remembrance of all deceased members of the parish creates an aura of benediction; our loved ones in glory seem to fill the church with their presence.
December 1999 The book of memories rolls off the presses. A copy is reserved for each Parish household. As each of us is a member of the Mystical Body of Christ, so the School is part of the Parish, yet another entity in its own right. Entering its 75th year, the School begins its own anniversary.
2000 We start the new millennium with a special New Year’s Eve Mass. In March, the Parish gathers for a Lenten retreat led by Paulist Father Mike Martin. In June, the school celebrates their 75th anniversary with a picnic in the park. Throughout the summer, our parishioners continue to work together to complete the Jubilee House of Faith which is almost ready for the family that moves in during the fall. In October, the school culminates the past year of 75th anniversary activities with a special Mass honoring the Dominican sisters who helped to form and shape the school’s mission. In honor of the sisters, a statue is commissioned. This statue, Dominican Sisters and Children, is placed in the garden in between the church and the school in expression of the personal reality of the gift of their lives these sisters gave to the children of Saint Thomas School during our first 75 years of existence. In December, John Fletcher, a seminarian from The Companions of the Cross, who served at Saint Thomas during his internship, returns to Saint Thomas for his ordination to the priesthood.
2001 We began 2001 embracing technology as the Parish’s first website was created. We could now be found at www.stthomasapostle.catholicweb.com. In June, a picnic in the park is held in celebration of Father Jim’s 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. In June, Steve and Pam Strobel begin their service as Directors of Vacation Bible School. This is the start of a 20 plus year of legacy and love for their entire family in this amazing summer program. In December, Father Jim is invited by Rabbi David Krishef to speak to his congregation, Ahavas Israel, in turn Rabbi Krishef is invited to speak at Saint Thomas, opening a dialogue of understanding between both congregations.
2002 In January, the first annual Emerald Auction is held to benefit the school and Parish. The vision and love of Kathy Barth and her team leads us into a whole new realm of fundraising. In February, our beloved former pastor, Father James Cusack passed into eternal life. In May, air conditioning installation is completed in the church making summer Masses, weddings, and First Holy Communion Masses much more comfortable in temperature. In July, long-time parishioner Dennis Williams, is received by Bishop Rose as a candidate for the permanent diaconate.
2003 Plans begin to be made for a church and kitchen renovation. This will be the largest renovation since Father Cusack remodeled the church in 1981. The Pastoral Council works throughout the year on the Long Range Plan. In October, Bishop Rose retires after 14 years of service. Kevin Britt, who has been serving as Co-adjucator Bishop, is appointed as his successor.
2004 Our Renewing our House of Faith fundraising campaign begins in January. Renovations will include the choir loft, worship area, baptismal font, access to the Eucharistic chapel, organ refurbishment, carpet and paint, pew and kneeler repair, air ventilation/conditioning in the Church Lower Level, and kitchen remodeling. 88% of our active families help us to achieve our campaign goal. In May, Bishop Britt passes away in his sleep at home in Grand Rapids. He was 59 years of age and had served as bishop for only seven months. Church construction takes place during the summer. Sunday Mass is held in the gym and daily Mass is held in the chapel. Vacation Bible School takes a year off due to construction. In September, construction is completed and the Eucharistic chapel, the new baptistery and the new music ministry areas are blessed. A Parish picnic is held in gratitude and celebration for the success of the Renewing Our House of Faith campaign. In October, Dean Vernon is assigned to Saint Thomas for his internship as part of his diaconate training. He brings along his wife Lori and his seven children who bless us in many ways as an active Parish family. Dennis Williams is assigned to Saint Paul the Apostle for his internship. Jim Thorndill, another candidate to the diaconate and a Saint Thomas parishioner, is assigned to an internship at Our Lady of Consolation. In December, we celebrate our 50th anniversary in our present church. The church was blessed and the altars consecrated on December 21, 1954.
2005 Joseph Breitenbeck, Bishop of Grand Rapids from 1969 – 1989, passes away in March. About 35 years prior, Bishop Breitenbeck had introduced a young college student from Indiana to Grand Rapids and West Michigan. This visit opened the door for seminary training, and Bishop Breitenbeck ordained Father James Chelich to the priesthood in 1976. Pope John Paul II enters eternal life on April 2, the day before Divine Mercy Sunday. Shortly after, Pope Benedict XVI is elected. In April, Amanda Vernon gives the first of her many concerts at Saint Thomas. In August, Bishop Walter Hurley is installed as the 11th bishop of the Diocese of Grand Rapids. During the fall, Bob Haggard and Scott Bell lead both the school and the Religious Education students in a week-long workshop of enrichment in worship singing. Dennis Williams and Jim Thorndill complete their internships and await the call to ordination. Another deacon candidate from our Parish, Rich Streng, is called to an internship at Saint Robert of Newminster.
2006 In February, Dennis Williams and Jim Thorndill are ordained as deacons and both are assigned to serve at our Parish. In April, Saint Thomas partners with the Inner City Christian Federation to begin a new house building project on Baxter Street. John Graveline accepts the role of Coordinator of Ministries upon the departure of Gerard Bribiescas. We have about 80 ministries and active groups at our Parish. Parish life is alive and strong. In November, the first annual Social Justice Advocacy Group Fair Trade Market is held. In November, we honor the Dominican Sisters who have served Saint Thomas Parish and School for over 80 years. Forty sisters are present at weekend masses and are honored with a reception in the lower level. The first Advent by Candlelight, an evening of faith and fellowship for women is held in December.
2007 In January, the first off site auction is held at the Wege Center at Aquinas College. This allows more people to attend the event and more money is raised. The event honors longtime parishioner, Mr. Frank Jakubowski (lovingly known as Mr. J) for the many years of service he has dedicated to Saint Thomas. In February, the school begins a daily hot lunch program and all students now eat lunch in the Church Lower Level rather than in their classrooms. In May, Saint Thomas School is honored as a recipient of the 2007 Schools of Distinction award. In June, the School and Parish honor Mr. Gil Keller who retires after 39 years of service to Saint Thomas School. During the summer, the Parish Office undergoes a “refresh” and the office staff temporarily relocates to the School Office. In November, all parishioners are invited to a Long Range Planning Day as the Pastoral Council begins a long range planning process.
2008 The 2008 auction is held at Noto’s restaurant. More than 350 people attend and $58,000 is raised for the School and Parish in one evening of joy and gratitude. During Lent, Brendan Case, a missionary based in Arizona leads us on a week-long Parish mission. Activities are available throughout the week for children, teens, young adults and adults. As a follow up to the Long Range Planning meeting held in November, a survey is developed by the Pastoral Council and is made available to all parishioners.
Margo Dean resigns her position as she relocates to Minnesota to discern religious life with the Poor Clare Sisters of the Franciscan Order. Joyce Moore is hired as the new Parish secretary. The School opens for the fall semester with a new walkway installed and the original front entryway is reopened and available for use. The beauty and significance of this entryway is rediscovered during this process. In September, Teresa Monticello, daughter of parishioners John and Carol Monticello, enters religious life with the community of the Sisters of Saint John. During the fall, Saint Thomas sponsors a family through GRACE Congregational Partnership in conjunction with the City and County Vision to End Homelessness.
2009 The Parish hosts a “Birthday Barbecue Bash and Picnic Party” in honor of Father Jim’s 60th birthday. The afternoon features musical performances, games, a memory book and other memorabilia, and, of course, birthday cake. During the summer, Saint Thomas School and Aquinas College begin a collaboration between both schools designed to “reach out and challenge the potential of students residing in the Grand Rapids area”. The collaboration begins with the College For Kids camps that begin that summer. Contemplative Mass is celebrated on Wednesday evenings throughout the fall. This prayerful mass of reflection is well received and after taking a break during the Advent/Christmas season, it resumes in January.
2010 The year starts with Saint Thomas School being selected as one of only twelve recipients to receive the Catholic Schools for Tomorrow Award. The Parish congratulates Dave Faber and his amazing staff. In May, the diocese begins a series of listening sessions called Our Faith, Our Future: A Plan for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. In June, our school principal for the past seventeen years, Mr. Dave Faber, is offered the position of Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Assistant
Principal, Mrs. Suzi Furtwangler, is appointed the new Principal of Saint Thomas School. Under the direction of Mrs. Furtwangler, the students enter a breathtaking crayon mosaic titled The Seven Days of Creation in Grand Rapids second annual Art Prize. The annual auction is renamed Auction with a Twist. It moves to a fall event and features the first-ever all school reunion and a “10 for 10” party held near the end of the evening at the Goei Center.
2011 We begin a new Capital Appeal Campaign called New Times, New Opportunities. Many projects are in the works with this campaign including installing a campus-wide wireless network system and refurbishing our beautiful stained glass windows. On the feast of Saint Joseph, March 19, Holy Family Radio begins broadcasting live programming on 1140 AM. The students of Saint Thomas join together with the Religious Education students and students from five other parishes to create another larger and even more beautiful crayon mosaic called Noah’s Ark. This amazing creation measures four feet tall and twelve feet wide and it is displayed at Cathedral Square. Principal Furtwangler leads the project with assistance from Kathy Barth and Kimberly Anglewood. In October, our secretary, Joyce Jagodzinski, moves to Texas and Margo Dean is welcomed back as the new Parish Office Manager. During the winter months we join Catholic churches all across the United States in using a new translation of texts of the Mass. A three-week faith formation series is held on the history and theology of the Liturgy and connecting the new translation to scripture. The new prayers and responses are printed in the worship aid each week and Father Jim teaches us about the new translations through his writings and homilies.
2012 The Pastoral Council explores how welcoming, accessible and inclusive our Parish and Parish activities are through surveys, interviews, observations and recommendations. The Council also explores our youth and young adult ministries and our Parish staffing. The Coordinator of Ministries position is split into three parts due to the overwhelming scope of responsibilities for one individual to carry out the duties with due attention and competence. The new positions are called Parish Life Coordinator, Christian Service Director and Liturgist. Chelsea Wojes is hired as the Parish Life Coordinator. Lori Fedewa is hired as the Christian Service Director. Ann Geer moves from her role of Director of Religious Education and Formation to the role of Liturgist. Patti Reynolds moves from her role as Youth Minister to the role of Director of Religious Education and Formation. Auction with a Twist is now being held every two years in the fall, raising close to $250,000 to cover two years of the Home and School budget, funding for Parish ministries, technology and capital expenditures plus over $60,000 toward the Tuition Angel Grant program.
2013 The Saint Thomas School Student Council selects Father Jim as the recipient of the Catholic Schools Week Elizabeth Ann Seton award. This award is bestowed on someone who is “living their life trying to teach and demonstrate a life of faith, and someone who is working to get everyone in the school into heaven”. In the spring, Pope Benedict becomes the first pope in the 600 year papal history to voluntarily resign from the papacy citing health reasons for his decision. Pope Francis is elected as the 266th pope. Ann Geer resigns from her position as Liturgist to embrace full retirement. Lori Vernon is welcomed into the Liturgist position. Bishop Hurley resigns and, on June 18, Bishop David Walkowiak is ordained as the twelfth bishop of the Diocese of Grand Rapids. In July, a group of children and adult volunteers from Vacation Bible School along with Father Jim visit Bishop Walkowiak at the diocese office to present him with a spiritual bouquet created by the VBS students with offerings of prayer and sacrifice. The children also sing the VBS theme song for the bishop. In the fall, the 50+ Club which was started by Ron and Jill Skinner in 1973 and is still going strong, officially changes their name to the Prime Timers.
2014 Bishop Walkowiak visits the school children in January in honor of Vocations week. The Mercy Respite Center building and property, which is no longer in use, is purchased by a benefactor who then donates the building and property back to Saint Thomas. Father Jim and the Pastoral Council are grateful as they see the good use we could have for this building and property in the future. In March, the Parish Long Range plan is complete and in its final form thanks to the efforts of the Pastoral Council members. In June, a special Mass is offered for Mr. Ed Carr who is retiring after sixteen years teaching middle school math. Mr. Carr continues to offer an abundance of volunteer tutoring services to the students. During the summer, we welcome Monica Morin to the position of Parish Life Coordinator, and Betsy Edgerton takes on a new role as Development and Outreach Coordinator. In November, plans are made to lease the Mercy Respite Center building to parishioner Amanda Winn as she embarks on the journey of establishing a new concept in our community, a Children’s Healing Center. During the fall, Betsy Edgerton and Suzi Furtwangler host a series of talk shows titled Unapologetically Catholic on Holy Family Radio. Father Jim is featured as one of their guests.
2015 During Catholic Schools Week, our beloved custodian for many years, Mr. Ted Coon, is honored as the recipient of the 2015 Elizabeth Ann Seton award. During Lent, Father Patrick Martin leads our Parish on a three-day Mission Possible Parish mission titled “God’s Love in our Broken Lives”. During spring break, eleven members of our Parish travel to Nicaragua as an Esperanca Mission of Hope team. Those pilgrims are Kaitlin Barth, Anna Bockheim, David Bridge, Carla Grant, Rich Grant, Erin Redmond, Rosemary Sommerdyke, Pam and Teresa Strobel, Caroline Weis and Tim Wheeler. In May, Father Jim receives an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Aquinas College. During the summer, the large Tabernacle is moved from the Eucharistic Chapel into the main body of the church. The marble chair which has been used by the celebrant offering Mass is removed and the marble from the chair is used to make a new tabernacle stand. The focus of our church is now on the crucifix and the tabernacle placed right below it. In September, the Children’s Healing Center opens in the former Mercy Respite Center building and once again this building is serving the needs of children and families.
2016 In the spring, the Parish “gets connected” with the My Parish app. We celebrate Ted Coon’s 30 year anniversary of employment at Saint Thomas. In May, a Ministry Appreciation Mass and Reception are celebrated for all who serve our community and are so joyfully helping their fellow parishioners and others to more fully know and love God. In June, Kathy Proulx retires from her position as music and band teacher at Saint Thomas School after 25 years of service touching the lives and hearts of the children through music. Kathy continues to serve the Parish as Assistant Music Director. In June, the Parish celebrates the 40th anniversary of Father Jim’s ordination. Monica Morin adds the title of Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries to her role as Parish Life Coordinator. This enables her to use some of her youth ministry skills which she has a passion for. Several assistants are hired to help out in both roles. On Giving Tuesday in November, the Saint Thomas school students partner with the Children’s Healing Center in celebration of the spirit of giving. They call this special celebration “Giving Too-sday”.
2017 In February, Cherish 2017, the first Cherish Marriage event honoring the Sacrament of Marriage and World Marriage Day is held at Noto’s Restaurant and Banquet Hall for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Saint Thomas parishioners, Steve and Pam Strobel serve as co-chairpersons and founders of this event. The evening includes fine dinner and dancing and is highlighted by guest speakers and evangelists, Teresa Tomeo and her husband Deacon Dominick Pastore. During Lent, Father Bob Lombardo leads our Parish mission, The Treasures of our Catholic Faith. During spring break, Esperanca ambassadors Rich Grant, Dan Patterson and Mary Sue and Sophia Stegehuis travel to Nicaragua. In June, the entire Parish celebrates and gives thanks to God as Dean Vernon is ordained to the Permanent Diaconate. His daughter and internationally known recording artist, Amanda Vernon, honors him with a concert in the Ministry Center on the evening of his ordination. Deacon Vernon preaches at all Masses the following weekend and a reception is held after each Mass in his honor. We are blessed that Deacon Dean is assigned to serve our Parish. In November, Saint Thomas begins a new Capital Campaign called Building Community Together to raise funds to repair and replace vital elements of our church and school structures and environment over the next four years.
2018 In January, a special little girl named Audrey leaves this earth to meet Jesus. To honor her legacy, her mother, parishioner Kelly Jandernoa, along with her good friend parishioner Meredith Maczka start The Red Glasses Movement in honor of Audrey’s signature red glasses. Their mission is to spread the word to the world to “Live Boldly, Love Big, Pass it On”. In May, parishioner and Saint Thomas school graduate, Andrew Ayers is ordained as a Transitional Deacon. He is assigned to Our Lady of Consolation Parish. In June, the volunteers of our Parish are celebrated with a Ministry Appreciation Mass and Reception. In November, Father Jim travels to Haiti with Ken and Edie Muraski to visit the work of Hope for Haiti.
2019 In the spring, Family Promise and Fulton Manor (formerly Holland Home) team up to help homeless families in the community by providing emergency shelter and basic needs for families with children. Saint Thomas parishioners pitch in to help with meals, laundry, arts and crafts and other activities, and donate personal care items, linens, cleaning supplies and other necessities. Andrew Ayers, who grew up at Saint Thomas Church and School, is ordained to the priesthood on June 1 at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew. His Mass of Celebration and Thanksgiving is held at Saint Thomas on June 2 at 11 am. This is a very special moment for our Parish and a beautiful mass with many clergy present. A reception is held afterwards where Father Andrew bestows his first priestly blessings on many parishioners that have known him since he was a young boy. Father Ayers visits again a few weeks later to pray with and speak to the children at Vacation Bible School. Also in June, the Parish celebrates Father Jim’s 70th birthday as well as the retirement of Mrs. Sue Ysasi who has served as the school secretary for 27 years. Our Christian service has a very active summer as parishioners participate in house building with Catholic United Build, volunteering on the farm at Kids Food Basket, fitting elementary students with new shoes at In The Image, and distributing fruits and vegetables to those with limited access to healthy food through Heartside Gleaning Initiative. In the fall, the Our Shepherds, Our Future campaign begins to raise funds to ensure that young men from our diocese receive the best possible formation and education for decades to come.
2020 In 2020 the world experiences the Covid-19 virus and for a while life changes everywhere and for everyone, affecting how we worship and how we operate our Parish and School. Due to the first confirmed cases in the state of Michigan, Bishop Walkowiak issues a directive to all parishes on March 11 that give guidelines for Mass, including a temporary suspension of the Precious Blood of Christ, a temporary suspension of physical contact during the Sign of Peace, the Our Father and during greetings before Mass. The Holy Water fonts are directed to be emptied and cleaned. On March 12, the directive adds that Parish and School events that are held indoors and are attended by more than 100 people in a single space are to be postponed or canceled. On March 13, a new directive is issued which cancels all weekend Masses in the Diocese of Grand Rapids until Sunday, March 29. Weekday Masses where there are less than 100 people in attendance can still be held and the church is open for private prayer. On March 17, in compliance with Governor Whitmer’s executive order, the Diocese of Grand Rapids temporarily suspends all public Masses until Palm Sunday, April 5. In addition the school is closed until April 5. During this time, Father Jim and the Saint Thomas staff get creative with keeping people spiritually connected. Father Jim offers a private Mass every day for the protection and well being of all parishioners. Families submit photos which are taped in the pews so that Father Jim can “see” his parishioners while celebrating Mass. Thanks to technology, parishioners are able to participate in the Mass remotely, first via audio recording, then via live stream on Facebook, and eventually via live stream on our very own YouTube channel. Father Jim teaches us how to make a spiritual communion while participating in Mass from home. In keeping connected, Father Jim and the deacons make weekly wellness phone calls to all parishioners over age 63. Monica Morin emails weekly updates to all parishioners. And Father Jim broadcasts weekly messages to the school students via Facebook. The Saint Thomas School staff learns to work with Zoom to teach the students remotely. The office staff also works remotely while the Parish Office is closed. In April, the Covid-19 cases continue to rise and the Bishop puts forth new directives in compliance with the executive orders. The school will remain closed through the end of the school year and the public Mass suspension continues until further notice. Michael Gorman, a seminarian from Gaylord, temporarily resides at the rectory and is able to assist Father Jim at Mass. Eileen Bockheim leads several Parish cantors in recording liturgical music which is made available to parishioners to listen to from their homes as we celebrate Holy Week and Easter. Father Jim hears confessions from the back door of the rectory. Parishioners are instructed to remain in their cars until it is their turn. In May, the Sunday celebrations of Mass are expanded to include the live music of Eileen Bockheim and Kathy Proulx. The Saint Thomas staff begin preparations to reopen the church for public Masses. Father Jim uses the technology of Facebook and Youtube to educate the Parish on what that will look like, including social distancing, face mask wearing and hand sanitizing. Bishop Walkowiak announces that public Masses may resume on May 29 if churches feel prepared to do so. At Saint Thomas, the community is gratefully welcomed back into the church. In order to protect all parishioners and families from the disease protocols need to be followed, including making a reservation to attend in person Mass. Attendance is limited and social distancing is adhered to. The missalettes, hymnals and bibles have been removed from the pew racks and parishioners are encouraged to take a missalette home with them and bring it back each week for personal usage. Daily and weekend Masses continue to be live streamed via YouTube. In July, the reservation practice for Mass is discontinued but since the seating is still limited to 25% capacity parishioners are encouraged to arrive early. Vacation Bible School, which was being planned for August, is canceled. During the midst of all of this, Pam Strobel answers God’s call to step into the role of Parish Life Coordinator. School resumes in person in late August after careful planning from Father Jim, Principal Furtwangler, teachers and staff to protect the health and safety of children and their families while continuing to offer a dynamic education centered in Christ. Father Jim celebrates three school Masses a week rather than one in order to maintain social distancing as well as to be able to tailor his teaching messages by age group. Many activities continue to be virtual during the fall and winter months, including the Vision 2020 Auction, Advent by Candlelight, Father Jim’s Advent book study, and most meetings and events of Parish ministry groups. In November, parishioner David Bevins celebrates the Rite of Admission for Candidacy to the Permanent Diaconate. The number of Christmas Mass celebrations are increased in order to promote social distancing. Reservations are taken for the 4, 6, 9 and 11 pm Masses. Music is celebrated by individual and family groups rather than large choirs.
2021 In February, amid declining Covid-19 case numbers and the increased availability of a vaccine, Bishop Walkowiak sends a letter to all households in the diocese inviting everyone who is able to return to in person Mass. Live streams will still remain available for those who are unable to safely return due to compromised immune systems or other personal circumstances. A Back To Mass team is formed at Saint Thomas to invite parishioners back into the church and to continually review all health and safety protocols. In March, Deacon Dennis Williams and Deacon Jim Thorndill both retire from their regularly scheduled responsibilities. Both men continue to serve the Parish and the Catholic community as active members. In May, the Elizabeth Ann Seton award is presented to 33 members of the Saint Thomas School staff for their “heroic love in teaching our children in a time of great uncertainty, anxiety, and challenge”. At the close of the school year, Principal Furtwangler retires. Assistant Principal, Ryan Corcoran takes the reigns of principal to lead us into the post-Covid future. In June, a beautiful statue of Mary is placed near the front of the Ministry Center and the building of our Marian Grotto begins. The statue came from Maureen and Mike Muraski. It had been a wedding gift to Maureen’s parents, Jerome and Betty Czajka. Don Serba constructed the crown of stars which is behind the statue made of the old copper that was taken from the roof many years ago. Throughout the summer, the Parish activities begin to take on a sense of normalcy as more groups begin to meet in person again, some taking advantage of the nice summer weather. Vacation Bible school is held “family style” utilizing our outdoor space. Funeral luncheons are again being offered and activities of service are encouraged. In October, as part of the Year of Saint Joseph and also Respect Life month, Father Jim rededicates the Saint Joseph shrine outside of the church as a place of reflections for mothers who have lost children before birth.
2022 In March, the Parish offers listening sessions in conjunction with the upcoming Synod of Bishops and the Pope’s invitation for everyone to participate. Radio personality Kevin Matthews visits Saint Thomas in March to share the Broken Mary Project and his own personal story of brokenness and healing. In March, twenty-one men from the Parish are welcomed into the newly formed Knights of Columbus Council. The Exemplification Ceremony highlights the Council’s commitment to the virtues of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. The men complete their first service project soon after, the installation of a habitat garden along the eastern section of the wood fence adjacent to the parking lot. During May, the month of Our Lady, Father Jim blesses the newly completed Marian Grotto. During the summer, the Parish Office undergoes a renovation that includes new carpet, paint and a redesigned main office space. The Parish returns to an in-person auction with a picnic held the Sunday before. During October’s Respect Life month, parishioners are encouraged to “Storm the Heavens” to vote No on the Proposal 3 “abortion” law. In November, Deacon Candidate David Bevins takes a final step toward the Permanent Diaconate when he begins his internship at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Belmont.
2023 In March, the Pastoral Council hosts a ministry gathering called Gather, Share, Re-engage. This is the first Parish-wide ministry activity since the Covid pandemic. In June, it is announced with great joy that the Father Jim Chelich Scholarship fund is fully funded in time for the celebration of Father Jim’s 30 year anniversary as pastor of Saint Thomas. Two school students are awarded this scholarship for the upcoming school year. The Parish gathers after Masses to celebrate Father Jim’s 30 years at Saint Thomas, 47 years as a priest, and his 74th birthday. During the summer, Father Jim begins his teachings fostering Eucharistic Devotion as promoted by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops in a three year Revival on the Eucharist. We take a fresh look at how we come to Mass, specifically we look at gratitude and thanksgiving. We take a new and deeper look at what it means to receive Holy Communion. When we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus we personally invite Jesus to live within us and we walk with Jesus out of church and into our day and week ahead. In December, Father Jim travels to New Mexico to celebrate the 100th birthday of his father, Lou Chelich. The entire family gathers for a beautiful celebration of Lou’s life. Lou Chelich is welcomed by God into eternal life just a few weeks later.
2024 Our year begins in celebration as David Bevins is ordained to the Permanent Diaconate. He is assigned as a deacon at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish. During the spring, it is announced that the Children’s Healing Center has outgrown their facility and will be moving. With this building being available again, the Parish decides to renovate it to become an Early Childhood Center. An open house is held in May to tour the building and see the plans. The Center will house preschool classrooms, a new Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium and the After School Care program. A Capital Campaign to raise money for the renovation begins. On May 8, Saint Thomas Parish marks the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Parish. In June, the Parish celebrates Father Jim’s 75th birthday and the 48th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Vacation Bible School, under the new leadership of directors John Paul and Christina Strobel, returns to its daytime format with crew leaders the last week of June after being held “family style” in the evenings in August during the last three years. In September, the Parish initiates a year of celebrating our 100th Anniversary with a Parish-wide picnic to be held at Wilcox Park. It was relocated to the Church Lower Level and the gym due to rain, but the festivities were enjoyed by young and old alike. To continue our 100 year celebration, the Bi-Annual Auction was held with a Roaring 20’s theme and was a huge success in not only raising much needed funds for the Parish and School, but also creating a great sense of community among Parish and School families.