Many hands make light work! If you are interested in helping to keep our church property beautiful, please contact Ted Coon, Maintenance Supervisor, at (616) 459-4662 ext. 1303 or email tedcoon@stthomasgr.org.
Here are some examples of how you can help:
We are looking for volunteers to take turns cleaning the church on Friday afternoon. The work will entail sweeping and moping between the pews and vacuuming the carpeted areas on the main floor of the Church.
Gift of Time: Approximately 3 hours each time. If we get enough volunteers, each person will only need to volunteer once per month.
We are looking for a volunteer to wash the big glass doors and adjacent windows on the Ministry Center and School on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. We will provide the bucket and squeegee. All you need to do is provide the muscle power.
Gift of Time: Approximately 1 to 2 hours per week and can take place anytime after 3:30 pm during the week or anytime on the weekends. Approximately 3 hours each time.
We are looking for one or two volunteers to wash the greenhouse windows sometime this spring or summer. We will provide the bucket and squeegee. All you need to do is provide the muscle power.
Gift of Time: Approximately 4 hours and can take place anytime after 3:30 pm during the week or anytime on the weekend or in the summer months.
We are looking for a team of adult volunteers to carefully clean out the leaves in the pond located in the Schoolyard Habitat. It would be great if this work could be done before the weather gets too warm and the leaves begin to decompose. If your fellowship group is interested in taking on this project, please contact the Parish Office.
Gift of Time: Approximately 4 hours (per team of 6 people) and can take place anytime after 3:30 pm during the week or anytime on the weekend or in the summer months.
We are looking for a team of volunteers to do the spring and/or fall yard clean-up around the Church, School, Ministry Center and gym. If your fellowship group is interested in taking this on as a Christian Service project, please contact the Parish Office.
Gift of Time: Approximately 4 to 6 hours and can take place anytime after 3:30 pm during the week or anytime on the weekend.
“Gofers” help keep our Parish Office and kitchen facilities running smoothly. They help take inventory of supplies, purchase items, restock pantries, transport mail between the Parish Office and School, and run other errands.
Gift of Time: This is an “on-call” ministry. Tasks can be done at your convenience in most cases.
This is an “on-call” ministry. Tasks can be done at your convenience in most cases.
We are looking for volunteers to do summer time weed pulling at Saint Thomas. Pick a garden and pull! The Maintenance staff will gladly help with dumping the weeds you have pulled.
Gift of Time: Approximately 1-4 hours and can take place anytime during the day in the summer months.
This is the perfect volunteer opportunity for anyone who likes shoveling. (We know there are a few of you out there!) Volunteers are needed to shovel and de-ice the walkways on the weekends before Mass. With enough volunteers, we can develop a rotational schedule.
Gift of Time: A few hours on snowy Saturdays and Sundays.